Reflect’s new ChatGPT plugin

We have developed a plugin that allows you to save information from your ChatGPT conversations directly to your Reflect notes.

Reflect’s new ChatGPT plugin
The plugin is now live on the ChatGPT plugin store. Once you’ve installed it, you can ask ChatGPT at any time to save the information from your conversation to your Daily note. All saved information from that day will appear under a “ChatGPT Notes” bullet.
You can use up to 3 plugins at one time. By combining multiple plugins, there is a vast number of things you can do. Using Zapier you can even set up recurring workflows!
notion image
Here are some examples:
  1. Find cheap plane tickets and hotels with Kayak and Reflect.
    1. “Find me the 5 cheapest plane tickets from San Francisco to London in August with Kayak, and send to Reflect.”
  1. Search for new properties in an area that meet certain criteria with Zillow.
    1. “Each morning, send me a list of new homes listed for sale in Evergreen, Colorado with at least 1 acre of land under $800k.”
  1. Use an SEO plugin to optimize content you’ve written with ChatGPT, and save it to your notes.
    1. “Optimize the article draft you just wrote for SEO, then send to Reflect.”
There is a lot more that can be done with our new plugin that we haven’t even discovered yet. Watch our YouTube walkthrough of how to set up the integration and see a few examples.
Video preview
Share what you start using it for in our Discord community!

Written by

Sam Claassen
Sam Claassen

Head of Growth at Reflect

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