AI updates and usability improvements

We know many of you consider your subscription to Reflect an investment in our modest company’s future. Each day, our team diligently strives to enhance the product, bit by bit. That's why it brings us joy to share a monthly summary of the team's hard work and accomplishments.

AI updates and usability improvements
We’ve made solid progress this month with a refreshed mobile app design, improved AI integrations, and subtle improvements to the user experience. Take a look at what’s new, and at some of the stuff we’ve got brewing.

🎨 A refreshed iOS app design

The interface of an app is dramatically affected by small changes. They add up to a noticeably smoother user experience.
Some things that changed:
  • An updated layout for the text editing menu, complete with redesigned icons.
  • A cleaner Daily Notes page with more space for your day.
  • Increased white-space, improving navigation and readability.

✨ AI improvements

Both of Reflect’s AI integrations – our GPT-4 palette editor and Whisper AI voice transcriber – have seen some upgrades.
Our voice transcriber can now handle recordings longer than 30 minutes. You can also now record from the iPad app (still in beta). In your settings, you can also give the transcriber helper text if it’s struggling with a certain word or name.
notion image
Our AI palette editor also became more powerful. If you have API access to either GPT-3.5 or GPT-4 from open AI, you can enter your own API key to bypass token limits*.
Watch a video walkthrough of how to do this here.
  • Note that this is different from having GPT-4 access through ChatGPT+. If you don’t yet have GPT-4 API access, you’ll have to join OpenAI’s waitlist.

🛠️ Usability features and fixes

  • A complete revamp of our Lists functionality - this was a huge one for user experience
  • You can now check/uncheck to-do boxes from the incoming backlinks section at the bottom of a note
  • The overflow scroll issue has been fixed on the sidebars
  • Added ability to map forward/back keyboard shortcuts on the Mac app (useful for international keyboards)

📚 A new content series

We launched a new content series on our blog called
. In each interview, a notable builder or creator walks through their physical and digital workstation, as well as their daily habits.
with Tibo Louis-Lucas, the founder of Tweet Hunter and Taplio.
has also been busy, with a dozen new workflows and videos that will help you take better notes.
If there is something you’d like us to cover in a video, reply to this email and let us know!

What are we building next?

  • Improve mobile app startup speed and performance (we won’t stop until it’s as fast as Apple Notes!)
  • Chrome/Safari extension improvements: capture Tweets, remove highlights on text you’ve saved, add backlink/tagging, etc.
  • Add due dates to Tasks beta

Written by

Alex MacCaw
Alex MacCaw

Founder and CEO of Reflect