Reflect New Tab

Today we’re sharing with you our answer to that, Reflect New Tab, a free Chrome extension that replaces the default new-tab screen with a beautiful widget dashboard. 

Reflect New Tab
I've long thought that the browser’s default new tab screen was fairly wasted real-estate, and that this is a shame given how often you see the screen.
Today we’re sharing with you our answer to that, Reflect New Tab, a free Chrome extension that replaces the default new-tab screen with a beautiful widget dashboard.
Think of this dashboard as something similar to your iPhone lock screen widgets that you can customize and move around as you see fit.
You can see an overview of your day, upcoming meetings, your team's different time zones, the weather, and of course your top links.
You can install it here from Google’s Chrome Store.
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Once you’ve installed Reflect New Tab, open a ‘new tab’, and you’ll see a beautiful new personal dashboard.
Choose from widgets that let you:
  • Compare international time zones
  • View an aggregate view of calendar events for the day
  • See how old you are in days, months or years
  • View the local weather report
  • Track progress through the calendar year
  • See recently visited websites
  • Bookmark favorite websites you regularly visit
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Use the search box at the top to get smart suggestions based on your past searches, or search with Google and Perplexity.
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The edit button on the right lets you rearrange and configure the widgets. When editable, they float similar to apps on your iPhone. Individual widgets have multiple layouts you can play around with, and the ⚙️icon lets you edit the settings for each.
You can change the visual layout using the ⚙️ button on the right. This lets you choose a theme, font and background gradient.
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This tool is entirely free and we don't collect any analytics, or see/store any of your data.
You might ask, well, what has this got to do with Reflect, a note-taking product? For us, we've built this not just for our own enjoyment, but as a marketing tool to spread the word about Reflect. We also made sure to outsource the development of it to the talented folks at Lué Studio, so that building it didn’t distract from our core focus.
We hope you enjoy Reflect New Tab! We’ve been using it with the team for several weeks love it 🫶

Written by

Alex MacCaw
Alex MacCaw

Founder and CEO of Reflect